What’s up with Donato? CRM Deduplication sounds really booooring?
Well, not to me. CRM Dedupe is a huge problem in the world of sales, marketing and recruiting. This is a subject that I have spent considerable time and deep thought over the last few years. After knocking out 5 blog postings on the topic of CRM Dedupe, I realized I have a lot to say and I’m inspired. Thus the decision to move it to it’s own place.
The mission of CRMDeduplication.com is to share my unique insights on the world of CRM as it relates to deduplication. I’ll be sharing some axioms I have learned as well as the experiential journey in what I have come to learn. It may not be exciting, but the insights, if applied, could save billions of dollars a year on a world-wide basis.
Thank you to every one of you who follow donatodiorio.com. Please check out CRMDeduplication.com and post your thoughts and comments.